Our companions and menstrual cycles

Opening our 2024 blog, a special article for our companions (partners, family, close friends). 

Don't hesitate to share with them!

Month after month, women of childbearing age experience their menstrual cycles. More or less intense, these cycles can cause emotional instability and physical discomfort which, consequently, can affect the people with whom we live most closely. The truth is that there are phases in the month in which our energy and vitality are directly affected by hormones and it is often difficult to be in harmony.

Dealing with the phases of the menstrual cycle for most women requires empathy, understanding, support and some patience. In order for partners, family members or close friends to be more aware of these phases, some basic notions are necessary, so that their relationship with the topic can bring them closer to feminine needs, thus finding more balance in the relationship these days.

In an attempt to help those we love most, we suggest some support tips (it is not necessary to follow them all, if you can pay attention to those that could make the most difference in your case, so much the better).

Be Empathetic and understand the menstrual cycle

Recognizing that menstruation can be uncomfortable and sometimes physically and emotionally painful can help you be more empathetic and cope better with the situation. 

On our blog we have several articles that can help you understand more about the menstrual cycle: Menstrual migraines / HormonesPremenstrual tension / Menstrual cycle and its phases.

Important: show empathy and be willing to offer emotional support.

Pay attention to the signs

Being aware of signs of discomfort or mood changes during your menstrual period will help you know them and anticipate them.

Some women experience physical and emotional symptoms that can vary from cycle to cycle, but are usually recurring and predictable. 

Important: show interest in knowing the monthly menstrual calendar.

Offer practical help

Be willing to help with household chores and other common responsibilities, especially if your partner is feeling tired or unwell. 

If you have children, it might be a good time to practice more active parenting these days, in order to minimize the tiredness and stress that sometimes occurs and is heightened at these times of the month.

Important: respect the limits of both.

Don't underestimate feelings

Avoiding minimizing or disregarding your partner's feelings is essential. Each woman experiences menstruation differently and it is important to respect her experience. There are women who have depressive, pessimistic feelings and it seems that the world “owes them everything” or “has taken everything away”. Knowing that it will pass soon, trying to comfort is the best way to help, as it will be of little use to attribute the cause to something irrelevant or that could cause greater discomfort and sadness.

Important: there are times in the cycle when feelings become more confusing and tend to be exaggerated in the eyes of those watching, but the truth is that within each woman who is experiencing them, the intensity is real. 

Be tolerant of mood swings

Hormonal fluctuations tend to affect mood. Being aware of this will result in greater tolerance. 

Important: Sometimes a listening ear can be more valuable than trying to give advice.

Offer warmth and comfort

If your partner is experiencing cramps or some physical discomfort, the solution may involve offering a bottle of hot water or a bottle of water. seeds, a gentle massage, prepare a warm and relaxing bath with salts or any other form of comfort she prefers - if it is chocolate, whatever. 

Sometimes the need can simply involve wanting to be alone, in solitude.

Important: attention and care can work ''miracles'', but it is important to bear in mind that the best thing is to know what best suits the situation at that moment, as it can vary from woman to woman (and even from cycle to cycle ).

Avoid insensitive jokes

While humor is healthy in many relationships, it's wise to avoid making insensitive jokes about menstruation or saying things like "you must be at that time of the month." 

Important: this can be a sensitive period for some women and the ''joke'' can become unpleasant and generate conflicts.

Communicate openly

Keep lines of communication open, ask how your partner is feeling and if there is anything specific you can do, or that she needs during the phase she is in.

Important: outside of the most critical phases, in which women can demonstrate more impulsivity, intolerance and irritability, it is important that partners express their difficulties in dealing with the different phases of the month, drawing attention to the balance and well-being of both.

Each person is unique and the ideal approach may vary according to each woman's personality and preferences. The master keys at any time in life, even more so during variations in menstrual cycles, are empathy, open communication and the availability to offer support when necessary. 

The monthly challenges are sometimes complicated for both sides and the more there is interest in mitigating them, the lighter and more peaceful the journey will be.

We are not “a big deal” and, although it is true that not everything is the fault of hormones, it is undeniable that menstruation can be a trigger for instability in the female world. A woman who feels supported and understood will certainly be a happier woman. And as everything is reciprocity, what you receive, you will give back - even if not immediately (attention: if what you receive is less good, you will give it back twice as much on the most feared days of the month 😅😂). 

Taking care of those who take care of us has the strength of love behind it. And where there is love, we find peace.

An EXCELLENT and EMPATHIC 2024 for everyone!

Flow is a brand of intimate hygiene products, an educational brand and we want to help transform the way we act in the world!

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Margaret L





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