Incontinência Urinária

Urinary incontinence

In essence, urinary incontinence is manifested by involuntary loss of urine, in different ways (more or less accentuated) and which may differ in the causes that give rise to it.

Urinary incontinence is still a taboo subject, which generates shame and, for these reasons, difficulty in treating it in a timely manner. It is both a female and a male problem, although it is more prominent and normalized in the female world, since it is more common among women - it is estimated that it affects about 20% of the Portuguese population over 40 years of age.

In men, the most frequent causes of urinary incontinence are related to an overactive bladder and after prostate surgery.

In the case of women, the most common causes are usually related to bladder overactivity and/or pelvic muscle weakness. It is relatively common to observe stress incontinence in women who have undergone pelvic surgery, have a history of multiple deliveries, are overweight or have genital prolapses.

Stress urinary incontinence in pregnancy is generally associated with the increased weight that the fetus exerts on the bladder, compressing it and leading to involuntary losses. After delivery, this type of incontinence can remain transient or chronic.

There are at least 5 defined types of urinary incontinence:

1. Urge incontinence (urgent/urgent urge to urinate, uncontrollable)

2. Stress incontinence (appears in situations of sudden increases in intra-abdominal pressure - e.g. physical activity, sneezing, coughing, lifting weights, etc.)

3. Overflow incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine that occurs due to overfilling/volume of urine accumulated in the bladder)

4. Functional incontinence (involuntary losses due to the patient's disability/dementia)

5. Nocturnal incontinence or enuresis (involuntary loss that occurs during sleep)

Most causes of urinary incontinence have a cure or treatment, which can effectively reduce the frequency and amount of involuntary leakage.

In addition to therapeutic prescriptions (given by the urologist), there are some techniques to strengthen and control urinary incontinence, namely:

# food care: avoid foods and substances that irritate the bladder and increase urgency complaints (coffee, alcohol, tobacco, chocolates, citrus fruits, etc.);
# Do exercises such as: distraction techniques (quickly contract the pelvic muscles several times; breathe deeply and relax the pelvic muscles), bladder training to regain control over the urination reflex ( /images/docs/guides/INF.OBGI.023.v1.pdf); Kegel exercises (

The most frequent complications of urinary incontinence are mainly of a psychological nature, linked to reduced self-esteem, social and work isolation. There may be a need for surgery, which will depend on the amount of losses, the type of urinary incontinence and the gender of the user.

Important note: Consult your urologist for further clarification and therapeutic guidance.

The need to use diapers, particularly in situations of severe incontinence, can also predispose to the appearance of infections in the genital region, usually fungal infections.

Fortunately, there are already alternative solutions for situations of urinary leakage, which do not go through diapers or disposable pads: Flow's menstrual panties!

In addition to being reusable and washable, absorbent, waterproof, safe and comfortable, they are breathable and antibacterial, which effectively reduces the risk of infections and odors caused by disposable products.

Flow's menstrual briefs can be worn for 12 hours, all day or overnight. They are perfect to use on menstruation days, postpartum, urinary incontinence and spotting.

If you experience urinary leakage or know a woman who has this problem, try/introduce Flow's menstrual briefs. They will certainly change and transform this problem in your life!

Flow is a brand of intimate hygiene products, an educational brand and we want to help transform the way we operate in the world!
Are you coming with us?

MargaretL. for to Flow

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