Contracetivos hormonais femininos e menstruação

Female hormonal contraceptives and menstruation

Gone are the days when talking about hormonal contraceptives was limited to condoms and the oral contraceptive pill - which took a few years to be accepted and understood as an effective solution for birth control.

Nowadays there are several female and male contraceptive solutions, such as

  • barrier method: male and female condom and diaphragm;
  • hormonal: birth control pills, vaginal ring and implants;
  • intrauterine: copper and hormonal IUD;
  • definitive: tubal ligation and vasectomy.

Since this is an important topic in women's intimate health, let's look at some of the most common hormonal and intrauterine female contraceptives, how they can affect the menstrual cycle and change menstrual bleeding patterns.

Combined oral contraceptive pill: Pills made up of two synthetic female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. These hormones, as a rule, regulate the menstrual cycle, making it more predictable. In most cases, women take the pill for 21 days in a row and then take a 7-day break. During the break, menstruation - "withdrawal bleeding" - appears: when taking the pill, menstruation is technically called ''withdrawal bleeding'', resulting from the withdrawal (withdrawal) of synthetic hormones, with a consequent drop in levels hormones, which causes the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to shed.This bleeding may be a little different from the period you had before taking the pill, and may change over time while taking the pill.
The oral contraceptive pill prevents ovulation and the typical cycle of reproductive hormones, so it is possible to have no withdrawal bleeds or only detect spotting of blood during the break days - this is more common in people taking pills with higher doses of estrogen.
Some women also experience lighter and less painful periods when using the pill. However, the pill can also cause irregular bleeding, especially during the first few months of use.

IUD (Intrauterine Device) - intrauterine devices (IUDs) are contraceptives that are inserted into the uterus through the vagina. There are two types of IUDs, copper (non-hormonal) and hormone-releasing IUDs: the copper IUD can have a direct impact on the menstrual cycle, making menstrual flow more intense and increasing cramps (which tend to subside over time). , for most women), this IUD does not suppress ovulation; the hormone-releasing IUD can suppress ovulation, make the flow lighter and, in some cases, stop menstruation altogether.
IUDs provide long-term contraceptive protection, about three to ten years (or longer), depending on the type. The hormonal IUD may be the best female contraceptive option for controlling heavy menstrual bleeding.

vaginal ring: It is similar to the contraceptive pill, as it releases the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle. The ring can also cause changes in menstrual flow and period length. The vaginal ring is a type of contraceptive method in the form of a ring of about 5 centimeters, made of flexible silicone and which is inserted into the vagina every month in order to prevent ovulation. The gradual release of hormones takes place over 3 weeks and acts by inhibiting ovulation, preventing fertilization. After 3 weeks of wearing the ring, it is necessary to take a break of 1 week to allow menstruation to start, before inserting the new ring. The ring helps to regulate the cycle, reduce menstrual pain and flow.

The Implant It is a long-term (3 years) hormonal contraceptive method that does not contain estrogen, being composed only of a progesterone (a hormone similar to progesterone). The implant is a small flexible silicone tube, four centimeters long and two millimeters in diameter, which is inserted into the forearm, with local anesthesia, by a specialized professional. This method works by gradually and continuously releasing a small amount of hormones into the bloodstream, preventing ovulation from occurring. Depending on woman to woman, the implant can cause irregular menstrual periods, especially in the first few months, it can
also cause absence of menstruation, breakthrough bleeding or the opposite, excessive menstruation.

All women are different and what works for one may not work for another. It is essential to evaluate contraceptive options with a
health professional, in order to find the method that best suits our individual needs.

Another very important issue: none of these options protect against sexually transmitted infections! It is essential to use a condom in all sexual relations, if you do not have a steady partner.

Whatever your menstrual flow (light or heavy), Flow has several solutions
reusable and sustainable products for menstrual collection:

Flow is a brand of intimate hygiene products, an educational brand and we want to help transform the way we operate in the world!

Are you coming with us?

Margaret L.


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