1º Dia internacional do lixo zero: 30 março 2023

1st International Zero Waste Day: 30 March 2023

Today, March 30, 2023, marks the first International Zero Waste Day!

The importance of zero waste initiatives was finally recognised, on December 14, 2022, and the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 30 as the International Zero Waste Day - starting annually this year.

''Each year, an estimated 11.2 billion tonnes of solid waste are collected globally (...) it is expected that up to 37 million tonnes of plastic waste will enter the ocean annually by 2040'' (https://www.unep.org/pt-br/events/un-day/dia-international-do-garbage-zero-2023)

The importance of minimizing the waste we produce is nothing new, but it is still urgent that control and awareness take place. Alternative solutions for certain types of waste, namely plastics, have to be disseminated and made available in a massive and accessible way.

With this movement came the initiative “March, the month of bulk” by Zero Waste Lab and Maria Granel. The objective is to ''raise the Portuguese people's awareness of the importance of bulk and support all players in the sector, from retailers to suppliers to consumers''.

Flow's mission could not be more in line with these initiatives and the celebration of this day. All menstrual collection products are reusable, washable, sustainable and Earth friendly = Zero Waste!

Take advantage of this International Zero Waste Day to make a difference! We are fully responsible for the waste we produce through disposable menstrual collection products that only we women use. There are several sustainable and reusable alternatives!

Check it out here: ohyourflow.com

Flow is a brand of intimate hygiene products, an educational brand and we want to help transform the way we operate in the world!

Are you coming with us?


Margarida L. for Flow


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